The African Marketing Confederation (AMC) is gearing up to recognize the region’s leading marketers who have created and implemented groundbreaking and successful campaigns for their clients. The awards ceremony will be held at the AMC’s third annual conference, slated for Kenya’s historic trading hub, Mombasa, from September 25 to 27, 2024. 

According to Helen Mclntee, AMC’s president, this edition of the awards ceremony will recognize a new category, the “Tourism & Destination Marketing Campaign of the Year”. Mclntee claims the new awards category is “no coincidence, given the location of our conference.” 

Mombasa’s clear beaches have made the commercial city a top travel destination for tourists within and outside Kenya. In the new category, the ceremony will recognize the most outstanding marketing campaign within the tourism and destination marketing sector. 

Mclntee explains, “The winning campaign will have had to demonstrate exceptional creativity in promoting travel, tourism, and hospitality services, significantly impacting the brand’s visibility and business outcomes.” The ideal winner should also “effectively engage target audiences, inspire action, and contribute to the growth in the number and value of travelers to the destination.” 

Other awards categories include the AMC’s top prize for the “Campaign of the Year,” given to the most outstanding marketing effort over the last year. The ceremony will also recognize the company that demonstrated the most exceptional performance, innovation, and leadership in the prestigious “Brand of the Year” award.

AMC’s 3rd Annual Awards Call for Nominations 

Explaining the jury’s priorities during this year’s drumroll category (the Campaign of the Year), Mclntee says the winner “should serve as a benchmark for excellence in the marketing industry.” The winning team must also demonstrate a perfect blend of creativity, strategic insight, and execution, leading to outstanding impact and effectiveness. 

For the “Brand of the Year” award, the AMC looks out for brands that “exemplify excellence across various campaigns and initiatives, showing consistency in creativity, effectiveness, and engagement with its audience.” Additionally, the firm should demonstrate the ability to set new industry standards with significant impacts on the market and culture.

The upcoming annual awards ceremony has opened its doors to nominations from marketing professionals in the AMC’s member countries. Nominations must be for contributions completed in 2023 or 2024 and must come in by the September 16, 2024 deadline. Details about the AMC’s award categories are available at the AMC’s official website.

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Ehimen is passionate about sharing Africa's latest martech stories, the African way. Elsewhere, great music and books will easily make my day.

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