The Advertisers Association of Nigeria (ADVAN) has officially announced its decision to withdraw from the Heads of Advertising Sectorial Group (HASG). This significant move follows extensive deliberation and careful consideration by the ADVAN Executive Council and its members.

Reasons for Withdrawal

In a letter addressed to HASG Chairman Dr. Olufemi Adelusi, ADVAN expressed its appreciation for the opportunities HASG provided for collaboration with industry professionals. However, ADVAN highlighted that recent activities of HASG have deviated from its stated objectives, which include promoting investment in advertising services, fostering trust in the advertising sector, nurturing closer relationships among advertising sectorial associations, and engaging in discussions on regulations affecting advertising practices in Nigeria.

Lack of Acknowledgment and Transparency

ADVAN emphasized that despite repeated engagements, its contributions and submissions have not been adequately acknowledged or acted upon by HASG. The association pointed out the need for transparency, accountability, and inclusion in successful joint committees, which they found lacking in recent HASG activities.

“Regrettably, we have experienced a departure from these objectives in the recent activities of HASG,” the letter stated. ADVAN expressed concerns over selective inclusion and predetermined outcomes, leading to their decision to withdraw from HASG and other ad-hoc industry committees exhibiting similar biases until these issues are fully and transparently resolved.

Specific Incidents Cited

ADVAN cited the recent launch of the Audience Measurement system by ARCON and the Ministry of Information as a case in point. ADVAN noted that it had no clarity on the modalities of the system and was only invited to its launch with a letter stating that it had been part of the working committee, despite being unaware of the process details. Similarly, ADVAN mentioned the AISOP committee, where their proposals were ignored, as another example of biased agendas.

Commitment to Industry Growth

Despite this withdrawal, ADVAN reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to fulfilling its obligations to participate in all statutory committees and its dedication to fostering a thriving marketing industry. The association remains open to transparent conversations and programs aligned with its objectives and stated that it will reconsider its decision once principles of accountability, trust, and transparency are upheld in all dealings.

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The Advertisers Association of Nigeria (ADVAN) is the umbrella body for all advertisers in Nigeria, representing the collective interests of members in promoting a robust marketing and advertising environment. ADVAN is dedicated to advocating for best practices, fostering industry growth, and ensuring the effective and efficient delivery of advertising services.

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